"The Returnee..."

We are in the middle of a roller coaster of transition. We left Uganda on 1st July, and travelled to visit Dan's family in America... Now we arrive in England, where I have not lived since 1992, almost twenty years ago... I left young free and single, and return with an American husband and two children, aged 11 and 9... I hope to describe the experiences of "the Returnee", with, no doubt, flashbacks to our African life, and commentary from my children along the way...

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy New Year, roof roof

Rrroof! 'Scuse me, I just have to get that itch... aaahh!

Yesterday was the day my people acted crazy, all day long.

First my master took me out in his wellies and umbrella, down the lane, in the rain, full of wonderful sniffs, to buy the paper.

No sooner had we trotted back home and thoroughly shaken off our wet coats in the hall, than my master and both my mistresses and my playmate Alex and their small fun cousins and two other big people all covered themselves in their shiny kind of coats and wellies, and off we went in the sick-making car, along twisty bendy roads, until we parked. We jumped happily out of the car onto the mud and leaves, splashing already, and trotted and ran and walked along a tree-tunnel path beside a bursting rolling river, in the pouring pouring pouring rain. They were all dripping, and the trees and ferns were dripping, and the river was rushing by and the mud was oozing around everyone's feet and sticking up my legs and all over my tummy. And smells smells smells!

Sadly back in the car...

Back home, the people all peeled off muddy clothes and scrubbed up and drank more tea than usual, then put on pretty things.

Then, they said it was time to begin. Begin! Roof! They started running all over the whole house, in the dark, opening cupboards and stooping under beds, and if they found someone, cramming in with them, until only one person was left hunting, and I followed that one, until all the people jumped out and laughed. They didn't do it once but about twenty times. There were also loud numbers and giggles and shshshs. It was SO weird.

After that the people all sat at a long table and started to eat, and eat, and eat. It must have been delicious. It smelt sooooooo good.

Eventually, after I'd had a whole sleep on the mat, they moved into the hot room with the fire, and after stuffing in some of the chocolate that they TELL me will kill me so I can't have any, they started some more games and laughing. When they were all looking pretty sleepy, they suddenly looked at their watches, all of them at once, and started shouting out numbers with great excitement. All the way to "Happy New Year!!!" then they had a hug fest and one or two of them even hugged me (wag wag).

They made a circle and joined hands and started boucing up and down, singing, badly, Auld Lan Syne la la la drink a cup la la la we must learn the words before next year, ... la la la, ... For The Sake of Auld Lang Syne...


Today they all seemed quite normal again.

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