"The Returnee..."

We are in the middle of a roller coaster of transition. We left Uganda on 1st July, and travelled to visit Dan's family in America... Now we arrive in England, where I have not lived since 1992, almost twenty years ago... I left young free and single, and return with an American husband and two children, aged 11 and 9... I hope to describe the experiences of "the Returnee", with, no doubt, flashbacks to our African life, and commentary from my children along the way...

Sunday 22 December 2013

Are you ready for ... ?

I have been asked this question so many times this week. Are you ready for Christmas?

In fact, I do feel ready for Christmas - which is probably not the expected answer.

The last two weeks have been extraordinary. I have hoovered behind the bed head and my bedside cabinet. I have mopped the kitchen floor. And today we vacuumed out the car and even washed it by hand. Later today I began to wonder what is going on with me - ... nesting??

No, definitely not. But maybe not for my own baby... Maybe I have been subconsciously cleaning up my life for the baby who is coming, who is about to be born, again. Advent is supposed to be a time of reflection and repentance, to prepare ourselves for the coming of Jesus. I have spent time this autumn raking over my Christian life to some extent (through a "Freedom in Christ" course at my church). And now all this physical cleaning?! Of course, in fact Jesus came not to a clean place all prepared for him, but into the opposite, a make-shift bed in a mucky stable. So I don't think we need to clean up our lives for Jesus to come into. But on the other hand, I am feeling that it is good to make the place (my heart, not really my house) ready. Ready for a new birth, a new beginning. A life lived with a Person, not with a set of doctrines or resolutions.

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